Today's topic of choice: FOOD
The food in Korea is delicious and there are an endless amount of choices. Oh wait, no it isn't. I know I'm a picky eater. Okay, I'm more than picky -- I just started eating vegetables last year and I still won't go near devilled egg. I'm working hard to try new things. I really am. I've tried octopus, I've eaten a portion of a squid patty, I tried the hottest/spiciest soup EVER, and I even tried dog soup (yes, I felt the way you are feeling now as I was eating it/her/him). However, the food in Korea is probably the worst food I have ever eaten!
I'm eating this:
I want to be eating:
Ohhhhhh fattening food. How I miss you!
Family and friends: feel free to send me the Canadian staples at any point this year (Kraft Dinner, chicken noodle soup, stuffing, pasta sauces, etc.) I'm wasting away to nothing!