Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I want...

Disclaimer: I'm sorry to my Korean friends who may read this entry. It is probably best to not read from this point on!

Today's topic of choice: FOOD

The food in Korea is delicious and there are an endless amount of choices. Oh wait, no it isn't. I know I'm a picky eater. Okay, I'm more than picky -- I just started eating vegetables last year and I still won't go near devilled egg. I'm working hard to try new things. I really am. I've tried octopus, I've eaten a portion of a squid patty, I tried the hottest/spiciest soup EVER, and I even tried dog soup (yes, I felt the way you are feeling now as I was eating it/her/him). However, the food in Korea is probably the worst food I have ever eaten!

I'm eating this:

I want to be eating:

Ohhhhhh fattening food. How I miss you!

Family and friends: feel free to send me the Canadian staples at any point this year (Kraft Dinner, chicken noodle soup, stuffing, pasta sauces, etc.) I'm wasting away to nothing!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do I want to know what is on that plate? Kind of looks like this nice big pot of spagetti sauce I'm making at the moment, I even went and got some fresh mushrooms, green pepper, and some vine ripened tomatoes to put in it. I'll let you know how it tastes tomorrow, since I'm enjoying this nice juicy PC blue cheese burger right now (oh wait, are you still a veggie?)...in that case this lovely vegitarian lasagna is to die for!! Enjoy your dog, no licking mine. All the best.

Anonymous said...

D-girl ... looks yummy to me. How are you doing with the chopsticks and reading the menus or are you relying upon picture menus?

Missing you so keep up the dialogue.


Anonymous said...

Diane.... I want you to write more often!!!!!!! Keep me in the loop!!!!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

I can relate with you on the food thing from the last country I taught in. I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with the same. I survived on Costco grocery trips and the foreign restaurants. Hope you find something. Fortunately, I'm liking the Turkish food. Can't believe I ever lived without yogurt.
Wow, do I ever wish I had your teaching schedule!