How many times does it take for one white girl in Korea to hear that she is overweight before starving herself?
Well, let's do the math. These numbers are, of course, approximate. They could be higher or lower depending on the mood of the people involved. The fat calls are as follows:
2 times a day at school by students,
2 times a day at school by adminstration and other teachers,
2 times on the way into her apartment building,
3 times on msn messenger each day and,
2 times on the street by random Korean men.
= 11 times a day, on a good day.
+ weekends at 3 times a night in Seoul x 2 for Saturday and Sunday = 6.
11x5+6 = 61 fat calls/week.
61x52 = 3172 fat calls for a year.
3172 times during an ordinary year! There goes my self-esteem.
Well, let's do the math. These numbers are, of course, approximate. They could be higher or lower depending on the mood of the people involved. The fat calls are as follows:
2 times a day at school by students,
2 times a day at school by adminstration and other teachers,
2 times on the way into her apartment building,
3 times on msn messenger each day and,
2 times on the street by random Korean men.
= 11 times a day, on a good day.
+ weekends at 3 times a night in Seoul x 2 for Saturday and Sunday = 6.
11x5+6 = 61 fat calls/week.
61x52 = 3172 fat calls for a year.
3172 times during an ordinary year! There goes my self-esteem.
Okay, this is a bit of an exaggeration but COME ON! Just stop telling me to eat kimchi because it will make me thin. I don't like it, I'll never like it, move on.
Nothing is going on in Korea at the moment but I AM alive and DEFINITELY not starving myself!
Nothing is going on in Korea at the moment but I AM alive and DEFINITELY not starving myself!
5 comments: many possible comments, but I think this will sum it up. At the end of the day, if we have our health, the love and respect of family and friends, not to mention a roof over our heads and food on our plates, what anyone else thinks matters so little.
Ahh Diane, I miss you!!! You make me laugh even when you are upset... Can you please hop on a plane so we can eat perogies, pizza, and Tostitos with Dip.... mmmmmmm Food rocks and I can't wait to eat with you again!!!! I love you just the way you are...
Stay strong!!!
Miss you!
Hey you... you're perfect.
The BareNaked Ladies are on CBC's "The Hour" right now... heading out on tour... it's your turn to break the pact.
Take care!
~ Amanda
I swear that after reading that I may have a little stroke. I know I can't use of color words, I can't advise a whole country on their beliefs or try to correct them. It is so hard to say anything so I'll tell you a story from my favourite book. Stranger in a strange land. The book is about a human who grew up on mars and was brought back to earth. He did not understand humour. So one day he was at the zoo watching the monkeys. A medium sized monkey sat eating a banana when a large monkey came and beat him down and took the banana. The medium monkey than went over to a little Monday and lay a smack down on him. At that the man Martian began to laugh.” I understand, humour can find its roots in cruelty." and most cruelty is can find its roots in lack of confidence. Discuss amongst yourselves.
By the way if that pic is you weight isn't so much a issue has maybe waxing and smile for gods sake.
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