Monday, May 07, 2007


To the two people that read this (Mom and Sarah) -- don't worry! I'm cured. I fought off the last cold. I feel a-ok.

The sun is shining. Summer is on its way.

I have to start teaching next week. That sucks. Really sucks. Have I mentioned that I hate my job right now? Yeah, pointless job.

Anyway. That's all.



Anonymous said...

I hear ya... working sucks! Hahaha.. let's quit our jobs and become beach bums.... except you hate the beach... and the sun... hmmmmmm
I'll think of a plan B

Anonymous said...

Jeepers creepers, I read this thing... though it's difficult to comment on when you don't write much or often!!!


Anonymous said...

Very happy to hear you are over your cold.... hmm....... not enough vitamin C??????????

It can be a meaningless job but just think of the cash you are making. Now could you make that now somewhere else????? And just think of the cultural experiences you are experiencing.

And just think of that dreaded student loan to pay off - takes about 10 years and some other meaningless job.

My advice would be to pursue other interests there while you make the dough to pay off that dreaded student loan and gain your financial freedom, plus save some $$$ for that rainy day when you decide what it is you want to do.

You could always go to Japan and teach also.

Start tutoring and stash the cash, heh maybe you will want to buy a car, buy a house or some land ---you will need the cash.

Just my two cents.

Love ya and miss you and you do look happy in your pictures. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables.

Love Judith

Anonymous said...

Diane write another blog!!!!