Friday, January 26, 2007

Teacher Training Complete

I have just completed my first teacher training course. It is sad to see my students go but a relief at the same time. We had 100 English teachers attend this camp. It was such a change from teaching middle and high school students. The teachers had an excellent grasp of the English language - probably why they are English teachers. hehe. The ages of the teacher trainees varied (24-65). They had great senses of humour and a desire to learn even if this professional development was cutting in on a month of their winter vacations!

My homeroom class was a lot of fun. Nine women and one lucky man. They were all in their 30's. Most of them were married and had children but we just clicked. They were able to handle my thunder-loud voice and my sarcastic sense of humour. On one of our last days of school they took me out to enjoy some food. That was the idea I thought. I understand now that it was just to get me drunk. A good time was had by all. I got to know them outside of the classroom and I can't wait to hang out with them again. IFTC is pretty quiet now. The trainees are enjoying the rest of their winter vacation in their first language and we are left with no students to teach. What does that mean? Back to the same old, same old.

Today was a little different though - Jason, Jen, Trevor and I were trasnported to a hotel in Incheon. We were there to edit some national tests. These tests are pretty important to the Ministry of Education because apparently they are the tests that will dictate whether a student will move on to the next grade. It wasn't the most exciting day but I don't mind the extra 70,000 won in my bank account.

Pictures of my last month.

At the Lovre exhibition at a museum in Seoul.

My class on our final day of classes.

Dinner with my class!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The last picture is too cute for words!!!
