Monday, February 05, 2007


To those that love me and send me things (haha),

I've said it before - the food in Korea is...............different, to say the least. It wouldn't be so bad if you could find some of your comfort foods in the grocery store. However, it's impossible. Kimchi, fish, jiggly tofu, and giant radishes are everywhere and I just can't do it. I won't eat it. I tried and I just can't.

So, you can imagine how excited I was when my FAVOURITE Korean friend in the whole wide world, Jong Sung, gave me a bag containing cans of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup. Yum! I had it for dinner lastnight and I'm thinking of having it for dinner again tonight. Thanks Jong Sung!

Also, I'd like to thank some of the folks in Canada. I've received some pretty wicked packages from Canada in the last 5 months that have helped me out in the Kraft Dinner and maple syrup department. THANK YOU!
Take care,


Anonymous said...

mmmmmm soup!!!! I have a bowl of frozen soup a paper bag...... in the backseat of my car.... hmmm now that I think of it - that's gross...I'm going to stop comment'n and chuck the frozen soup.
Talk to you later,

Nick said...

If you run out of the chicken noodle soup, we know where you can buy it! Wait . . . I suppose your friend who gave it to you knows that too. Well, whatever, we found it at the Hyundai Department Store at COEX Mall in Seoul. A little more expensive than home, though.

Anonymous said...

Good words.